EPISODE #72 - 6 Surefire Tricks for Getting Past Overwhelm

In this episode, I am sharing six great tricks that you can rely on to develop a smoother way of working and to keep overwhelm at bay. Feeling overwhelmed is not fun and interferes with how we see ourselves, how we see our work and how we view our future opportunities. When any of us feels overwhelmed, we are not functioning at our best. If your goal is to get past the overwhelm to restore that feeling of wellness that we all crave, then you should definitely stay tuned!

For more information on the Make Time for Success podcast, visit: https://www.maketimeforsuccesspodcast.com

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Dr. Christine Li -
Website: https://www.procrastinationcoach.com
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To work with Dr. Li on a weekly basis in her coaching and accountability program, please register for The Success Lab here: https://www.procrastinationcoach.com/lab