How to Create a Healthy Relationship with Your Work with Susan Chiang

Ask yourself, “If I had the courage to be real with myself and set boundaries with my work, could I?”

We have all been in a place where our work seems to take priority over our lives or perhaps you’re currently stuck in that spot right now. When you see or hear the word “work” what do you feel? Does your body tense up? Does it make you feel uneasy? 

I’ve always been the type of person to say “YES!” to everything. I remember slaving over projects constantly, never having time for myself to develop myself the way I wanted to. I thought by “doing all the things,” I would feel more fulfilled but all I really felt was exhaustion and fatigue. I realize now, I never set boundaries with my work. I never decided for myself that I have the power to say “no,” and take on the work that makes me happy. 

In this week’s episode, I am joined by Susan Chiang, a watercolor artist and teacher. She’s built her business around sharing her love of watercolors with others so they can enjoy their creative processes and see improvement in their art. However, it wasn’t always like this. After leaving a draining corporate job, she decided it was time to move on as the stress and exhaustion started to take over her life and energy. 

Looking back now, Susan realized things may not have gone as bad if she knew how to set boundaries at work. Susan shares with us her journey and how she created a business and lifestyle that works for her. You will also learn how to get a better understanding of how to achieve a better relationship with your work whether it’s new to you or you’re looking to take it up a notch. 


[17:00] - We all carry a lot of self-doubt when it comes to our work. 

[19:00] - Being vulnerable can be uncomfortable but it can help you grow. 

[19:28] - Find your confidence by surrounding yourself with a community that fosters your growth. 

[22:18] - Your attitude towards your work should not be an all-or-nothing attitude. Be more gentle with yourself and know that progress is not measured by failure. It’s your ability to get back up when you fall behind. 

[22:42] - Everyone shows up in different ways. Consistency over time will get you further than if you quit something after a few attempts. 

[24:32] - The rules are yours to make and break. Adjust the rules to work with your life. 


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Dr. Christine Li [host] -

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Susan Chiang [guest] -

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If anyone would like to get started from scratch with watercolors, Susan offers a free Watercolor Basics Course ( ( ). And if you already have a creative practice and want to join her low-stress once-a-month free challenge, join her Paint With Me Challenge ( ( ).