How to Develop Your Mindset for Abundance and Success with Melanie Moore

Envisioning the life you want can be daunting and can even generate self-limiting thoughts.  But what if I told you that there are tools to quiet that voice inside your head and that it’s possible to have the courage to start manifesting your dream and make it reality... would you do it? Would you be open to change and to taking the actions necessary to make your vision come to life?

This episode is all about tapping (also known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique). Tapping is a very powerful stress relief technique. You can tap for abundance, anxiety reduction, gratitude -- there are so many possibilities to “tap” into. Tapping grants us the power to change our mindset so that we can reach for our true potential and make the goals we want to reach possible. 

When I started to introduce tapping into my life I had no idea what I was in store for. I began to realize the self-limiting beliefs that held me back from doing my best. Tapping is a way to help support the positive belief in ourselves and our desire to create the future we want. I can tell you from personal experience with tapping that it is a simple, but fascinatingly powerful tool!

My guest for this episode is Melanie Moore. She is a mindset and manifestation coach who uses the power of tapping to help her clients change the trajectory of their lives. Before she got started in this line of work, she worked in the corporate world. However, once her children were born and still young, she realized she didn’t want to go back; Melanie wanted to start her own business. She always had an interest in holistic therapies, where she eventually came across tapping/EFT. Now, she’s helping her clients get clear on their vision by helping them commit to their goals by taking action and creating their dream lives through a range of different tapping techniques.

I can’t wait for you to learn more about this powerful stress relief technique. I hope it helps you gain clarity on how you want to live and how tapping can transform your life. 


7:22 - What is tapping?

18:47 - Tapping can help reframe a story we've had in our minds that would have previously held us back. 

20:24 - If you keep telling yourself the same story, that reality will come true, so write a better story that will make you feel good.

24:09 - An example of how tapping has transformed the life of one of Melanie’s clients. 

26:55 - How the power of tapping can be used to generate income.

Resources mentioned:

The Gentle Birth Method by Gowri Motha

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

YouTube: Melanie Moore EFT (


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